Ep. 117 Augie Byllott: A Focused Acquisition Strategy Can Earn Higher Investment Returns

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focused acquisition strategy can earn higher returnsBeginning real estate investors often get caught up in the appeal of high returns. However, the focus on high investment returns can come at the expense of a sustainable exit strategy.

A focused acquisition strategy can mean the difference between a profitable investment and a failed one. It is important to consider a seller’s circumstances when making a potential investment deal. By tailoring a deal to fit individual circumstances you have a higher tendency to close. By structuring multiple deals, you can easily see what acquisition strategy works best for your investment goals.

Augie Byllott is someone who knows the importance of acquisition strategy. The founder of Creating Wealth U.S.A. is a seasoned single family investor. With over 500 deals under his belt without the use of bank loans, Augie has become an expert on tailoring his acquisition strategy to fit specific deals. He now share his advice and experience through books and mentor programs.

Earning Exit Returns Through Acquisition Strategy

  • SCOPE strategy: 5-part investment methodology using creative financing
    • Seller-financing – Careful of toxic deals from sellers. Don’t get stuck with short balloon terms.
    • Cash – Be careful of accounting for cash flow expenses when putting cash down.
    • Options – Control property with option to buy, or sell option. Pricing depends on specific deal. Couple options with lease to earn more cash flow
    • Private money – $7 trillion in private capital from retirement funds
    • Existing financing – Take over payments on existing mortgages (assigned mortgages). Though these are less frequent, properties can be put in land trusts and then sell beneficial interest on trust.

Investor Advice and Resources


Visit www.creatingwealthusa.com for more info onthe SCOPE acquisition strategy and other services. You can also email Augie directly at augie@creatingwealthusa.com.

Ep. 107 Reed Goossens: Advancing Your Career With a Mentor

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advancing your career with a mentorAdvancing your career as a real estate investor takes time… and learning from experience. As many investors have figured out, mentors provide key resources that could you, as an investor, in advancing your career. By tapping into a mentor’s experience and knowledge, you can take that next vital step in advancing your career.

Listeners will remember Reed Goossens from ep. 103 when he talked syndication on multifamily deals.

This episode, Reed talks to us about what pushed him to setting his sights on greater investment goals and how finding a mentor inspired him to take on larger deals and ultimately advance his career. His company, RSN Property Group, has been successfully investing in commercial multifamily since 2011. His mentor has also since become his business partner.

Advancing Your Career With a Mentor

  • Mentors provide guidance and access to experienced resources
  • Reed was fortunate to find Joe Fairless as his mentor. Joe has been on the show before and he offers educational resources, including a podcast, to investors of all levels of experience

Finding a Mentor

  • Network in niche markets
  • Find an experienced, hands-on investor willing to provide mentorship
  • Don’t fall prey to “gurus” make sure prospective mentors have a proven investment track record

Talk to Reed

As not only a new investor, but also new to the country, Reed knew how fortunate he was to have the guidance of a mentor while he established his career in real estate investing. Currently, Reed hosts Investing in the U.S. – An Aussie’s Guide to U.S. Real Estate, a podcast focused on providing foreign investors with necessary advice and knowledge to make it in U.S. real estate investing.

Check out the podcast by going to RSN Property Group’s website or any major streaming platform