Ep. 132 Steven Rinaldi: What You Need to Know About Investing in Real Estate Securities

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If you’ve got a real estate investment that’s managed through a third-party property management company, did you know it’s considered a security? When your investment is classified as a security, there’s different rules to how it is managed.

real estate securitiesOur guest this week, Steven Rinaldi, is a real estate attorney based out of Bethesda Maryland. He is a leading figure in real estate and security law, having previously served as general counsel for the American Association of Bankers. He specializes in venture capital, private placement, angel investment and crowdfunding. He’s drafted memoranda for real estate investor with deal-types including private loans for rehabbers and loans for apartment investors.

This episode, he’ll be sharing what you need to know about real estate securities and the rules for managing properties as securities.

Find out what you need to know about real estate securities!

  •  Federal looks at 4 factors of an investment to determine it as a security:
    • Investment of money
    • Common enterprise
    • Expectation of profit
    • Element of control
  • Your expectation of a profit is based on the work of someone else
  • Your real estate investment is a security if you do not have control over day-to-day operations of it
  • Different sets of laws apply to real estate securities

Investor resources

Want to find out more about what it means to invest in real estate securities or curious about real estate syndication? You can contact Steven Rinaldi through email at stevendrinaldi@msn.com or by phone at (204) 481-2706. You can also check out what kind of syndication deals he’s been involved in! Click here to view.

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Ep. 119 Invest Florida Show Update: New Schedule Coming for 2017!

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invest florida showFor over 2 years, the Invest Florida Show has been bringing actionable real estate investing advice to our listeners. Our archives feature over 100 episodes with leaders in Florida’s investment real estate industry.

In an effort to continue offering a consistent caliber of topics and guests, we will be moving our show from a weekly schedule to every other week.

We appreciate our listeners and all of our past guests and we hope this change will allow the Invest Florida Show to continue to be a source for up-to-date, actionable resource for Florida real estate investors.



Ep. 82 Mark Nathwani: Just Do It! Real Estate Investing

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AAEAAQAAAAAAAAAmAAAAJGU2ZDRjNTU3LTY0N2YtNDRlMC1iMjFmLTI3ZTZkZDJiMzc4OQNobody said real estate investing was an easy business. Aside from the hard numbers and financial side, commercial and residential real estate investing requires dedication and perseverance from investors and a certain ability to thrive under pressure. For many, these pressures prove too great of obstacles to find success as real estate investors. Invest Florida Show aims to provide its listeners of all investment levels with the tools and resources necessary to make actionable investment decisions. In addition to providing educational resources to our listeners, we also want to inspire would-be investors to make the first big step and invest!

This episode our guest is all about inspiration. Mark Nathwani is a real estate investing specialist and international entrepreneur. Mark has assisted in the growth and development of many businesses and currently serves as CEO of RAMS Real Estate Holdings, a U.S./U.K. based firm focusing on foreclosure properties and other sensible Florida real estate markets. Above all else, Mark believes the first step is the biggest one: want to get into real estate investing? Just do it!

Mark’s Tips for Beginning Investors:

  • Single-Family Residential
    • SFR properties are relatively stable, secure markets for those looking to begin real estate investing
    • Florida has many strong SFR markets:
      • Tampa, St. Petersburg, Jacksonville, Orlando
  • Investment Strategies
    • Tailor strategy to investment type:
      • Fix-and-flip, wholesales, holds
    • Invest based on yield as opposed to price and valuation
      • Yield is generally higher in complicated markets i.e. low-income housing
    • Choose a market and apply strategies that suit that market, don’t cherry-pick strategies from other real estate markets
    • Cast a wide net to find deals
      • Brokers, letters, bandit signs, banks, etc.
    • Never lose confidence in your deal!

To contact Mark with any potential investment opportunities or to find out more about his real estate investing services, visit his website!

Ep. 60 – Mark Fleming: What Does the Fed Rate Hike Mean to Real Estate Investors

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about-markWinter is coming… And so are national interest rate increases.

The Federal Reserve has recently announced a new national interest rate hike, the first since 2006. Real estate investors are very anxious about the announced rate hike. Many investors are wary that the rate hike may be instituted prematurely in an economy that is not capable of facilitating the effects on real estate markets.

Mark Fleming, Ph. D. serves as the Chief Economist for First American Financial Corporation. With over 20 years’ experience in mortgage and property information, Mark analyzes and forecasts national mortgage and real estate markets. This episode, Mark lends his expertise to our discussion on the new rate hike‘s effect on current real estate markets at a national level, and tells us why investors shouldn’t be so worried.

  • Federal Reserve Rate Hikes
    • First rate hike in 9 yrs
      • 2006 – +5% increase
      • 2007 -’08 to Present – 0%
      • End of Year (2015) – .25% increase
      • 2016 – +1% increase
    • Instituted to correlate with expected income/wage growth
    • Long-term, fixed-rate loans not affected
    • Good for housing markets
      • House-price appreciation seeing “asset inflation”, especially in Florida
      • 5-6% nationally, higher in FL markets (South Florida)
      • Out-pacing current wage growth, causing increase in housing rates
      • Rate hike should slow appreciation growth rate
  • 2016 and Beyond
    • Rate hike est. 5% increase
    • House-appreciation (Nationally) projected to slow to 3-4%
    • Income growth est. 3-4% increase
    • Commercial real estate to benefit from economic growth
    • Multi-family to benefit from strong millennial rental market

Interested in contacting First American Financial or want to learn more from Mark on the new rate hike and other economic info? Check out the company website and visit the Economic Center