Ep. 207 Jake Marmulstein: Investment Management Software for Real Estate

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Investment Management Software for Real Estate

Jake Marmulstein is a tech-savvy entrepreneur and co-founder & CEO of Groundbreaker, a tech company that creates software to automate real estate fundraising, investment management, and investor relations. Jake discusses the software and how it is helping real estate investors and syndicators. He also reveals how he got the idea and how Groundbreaker got started.

Key Discussion Points
[01:03] Opening remarks by Eric Odum and Steven Silverman
[04:07] About our guest: Jake Marmulstein
[07:31] What prompted you to create Groundbreaker, and what market were you targeting?
[09:56] Can your software help people find investors?
[11:51] Tell us about the technology that’s becoming increasingly important in real estate
[14:40] What technology and solutions are there to help build and manage teams?
[16:57] Explain the benefits and onboarding process for investors
[20:25] From your perspective as a technology company, what lessons can we learn from COVID19?
[21:54] How can people reach you to get more info on Groundbreaker
[32:17] Closing comments by Eric and Steven

About our Guest

Jake-Marmulstein_500pxJake Marmulstein is the founder and CEO of Groundbreaker. Before founding Groundbreaker, Jake held a number of roles involving real estate and technology, supporting the growth of early stage digital technology ventures while working with the government on foreign direct investment by fortune 500 companies.

In 2011, Jake started his career in real estate, underwriting hotel investments for watermark capital partners. He graduated from Cornell University with a major in hospitality management and minored in real estate.


Website: groundbreaker.co (you can then go to the instant demo form and then book a meeting with Jake)