Ep. 67 Brad Hubbard: You Can Increase the Value of Your Property With This Flood Insurance Technique

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2015-08-10_16.10.35Florida real estate investors should all be familiar with the flood insurance line-item on their properties’ expenditure lists. Much of Florida real estate is subject to blanket, federal regulations regarding flood insurance requirements and financial institutions require flood insurance as a prerequisite for lending on all residential properties. Many investors may not know that their properties may be eligible for flood insurance exemptions on a case-by-case basis .

Brad Hubbard is an expert in all things related to flood insurance coverage and requirements. As founder of National Flood Experts, Brad has been saving investors thousands of dollars in expenditures by eliminating annual flood insurance costs. Brad discusses what he looks for in a property to determine its status in relation to FEMA’s national flood-zone map. He also discusses what investors and property owners can do to reduce flood insurance costs on properties not eligible for exemption. This is a great method for investors to eliminate a long-standing line-item on a property’s financial portfolio and increase the property’s long-term investment value.

  • Individual properties may be built outside of federal flood-zone parameters
  • Compare construction of building with FEMA flood-guidelines
    • Due Diligence on property
      • Elevation Certification – verifies building’s base flood-line in a 100-year period.
      • Surveys
      • Other info on elevation and structure of building

To contact Brad with questions regarding flood insurance or for an eligibility inspection, call the National Flood Experts at: 1-800-561-0396 or email: brad@nationalfloodexperts.com