Ep. 229 Ben Pleat: Building Community While Increasing Retention in Multifamily Residential

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Building Community While Increasing Retention in Multifamily Residential

Today we talk with Ben Pleat, CEO and founder of Cobu, which is a fully moderated community software app that helps build sense of community among residents of large apartment complexes while also helping to increase resident satisfaction and thus increase retention and renewals.

Living in apartment buildings can be an isolating experience. The way Cobu helps to build community is by connecting residents based on shared affinities — for example, a mom’s group, parent group, foodie group, dog group, etc, and it enables residents to create community in a way that doesn’t require additional time or budget from the property team.

Key Discussion Points

[01:02] Opening remarks by Eric Odum and Steven Silverman
[04:50] About our guest: Ben Pleat
[05:39] What inspired you to found Cobu?
[07:53] How does Cobu help create community for residents of multifamily apartments?
[10:52] At what size of an apartment complex does Cobu start to make sense?
[12:16] Talk to us about the data supporting Cobu helping with apartment retention and renewals
[15:25] What is the cost per apartment complex property for offering Cobu to their residents?
[16:14] Talk about how you have a live moderator helping to coordinate community groups within the app
[20:25] How can folks contact you?
[47:11] Closing comments by Eric & Steven


About our Guest


Ben Pleat is the CEO and founder of Cobu, a leading virtual community engagement platform built for multifamily. Cobu makes it easy for residents to connect with their neighbors and neighborhood while also helping to increase resident satisfaction and thus retention and renewals.


email: ben@livecobu.com or info@livecobu.com

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