EP. 225 Alicia Jarrett: Florida Land Investing

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Florida Land Investing

While many Florida investors focus on multifamily investments, Alicia Jarrett and her team are focused on land investments – and they are doing quite well. And did we mention Alicia is based in Australia?

Alicia discovered that the turn-around time with land is actually quicker (just a few days) than any other physical asset like multifamily or single family. Surprisingly, there are a lot of people that own land that don’t want it, so there are a lot of Florida land investment opportunities out there. Alicia uses a systematic approach combined with technology to help her and her team find, manage, and sell these land investment opportunities – and she can help you as well.

Key Discussion Points

[01:07] Opening remarks by Eric Odum and Steven Silverman
[03:51] About our guest: Alicia Jarrett
[04:42] How did you get into real estate investing? And why invest outside of Australia where you are from?
[11:22] Tell us how you did your first deal investing in Florida
[14:08] How are you using technology to help with your deals?
[16:51] How did you connect with our mutual friend, Colin Murphy?
[18:12] What is your strategy for land investing?
[21:42] How are you finding these motivated land sellers?
[25:31] Where do you advertise these land deals?
[26:54] What else do you invest in besides land?
[27:57] What are the biggest mistakes you see foreign investors making in the U.S. real estate market?
[34:06] What areas within Florida have you focused on? And why?
[37:26] How do you further narrow down your land investment search within your preferred counties?
[42:20] What advice would you give to people who want to get into real estate investing?
[44:12] How can folks contact you?
[46:44] Closing comments by Eric & Steven


About our Guest

Alicia Jarrett is a passionate and globally driven real estate investor. She is actually investing in U.S. and Florida real estate from Australia. She’s also an educator and provides efficient business real estate marketing solutions to people who want to invest in real estate.



For info related to systems and process for land acquisitions
Phone: 888-538-5478
Contact info related to land business

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